Node Js Php Serialize Format
Your question is a bit general, so the answer it will be a bit general as well! From your nodejs app, send the file to a url or path of your PHP app, either by using or a library that makes use of it, like the ajax method from jQuery. Trilogy Of Inductors Pdf Printer. What you’ll send with the body, has to be a string, so you can make use of the stringify method if your JSON is not already a JSON string.
From the other side now, the PHP part, you have to “grab” the stream, and to do so, you can use the file_get_contents() function and the path of it can be “php://input”. A read only stream Keep in mind that the answer is for how to send a JSON file to PHP. There are other ways of sending JSON that you don’t even have to stringify and encode/decode the string, plus you can use the very handy $_POST ( ) to grab whatever variable you need from the associative array. The easiest way is using REST. Simply read the file and echo it on a url. How To Install Hping3 On Centos 7.