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Information Is Beautiful

Pharmacy Mission Our mission is to provide an exemplary educational experience that leads to highly competent and practice-ready caring pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists who are accountable for improving the health and well-being of society. The programs seek to advance knowledge through collaborative education, science, research, service, patient care and advocacy. The school strives to achieve academic and professional excellence. Pre-Pharmacy Advantage Program In order to earn a guaranteed seat in the Doctor of Pharmacy program, all of the following criteria must be met within 5 (five) years of entering the University; all seven-year (4+3) students must also obtain a Bachelors degree (BS or BA) from Pacific in addition to these criteria. A Math/Science* GPA of 2.7 (by June 1 st of the year the student matriculates to the Doctor of Pharmacy program) and a cumulative Pacific GPA of 3.0 must be achieved. *The Math/Science GPA does not include all math and science courses.

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